Past Blogs

Friday, July 22, 2016

All About My Dear Self

I am one babywearing, meat and veggie eating, 
chicken raising, wood stacking North Country Momma!

Living in the backwoods of northeast Vermont, I have made my home with my husband and 3 month old baby girl. My house is a constant renovation project, my 12 acres of land is frightfully overgrown, and my baby girl is growing faster than I would care to admit. So one could say that my days fill up fairly fast, however I decided I needed just a wee bit more on my plate so I up and started a blog!

I adore trying out new and old scrumptious cooking recipes and giving them a new spin with whatever happens to be the leftovers in my fridge (we all know what that is like!). This is my first round in parenthood so I am still figuring out this whole business of cooking wholesome, healthy meals with a baby girl that needs to be held close to twenty four seven! As I show you all numerous delicious and nutritious recipes, do feel free to share any advice on how to multi-task with an adorable baby! Advice is adored!

 My other newest activity is attempting to stay fit while fairly constantly babywearing! I have attempted to find full-length whole body workouts to do with my infant and honestly it is a struggle, so I decided I shall just have to create my own! I am sure there are many mommas out there with lovey babies that just need to be in the mix at all times, so please jump on board and lets get fit with our chubby little ones in tow! 

Join me on this fabulous ride of cooking filling food and getting fit babywearing style!